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From a water-laden bog in the Cambrian Mountains of Wales to the mighty Bristol Channel, the River Severn carves its way through some of the most picturesque and varied landscapes in the country. River Severn: From Source to Sea follows the entire course of the river, describing its relationship with the surrounding countryside and how it has shaped local inhabitants' lives for centuries. A rivulet surfacing on the slopes of Plynlimon marks the beginning of the Severn, known here by its Welsh name Afon Hafren. The youthful Severn passes through rich sheep-rearing hillsides in Wales, before crossing the Marches into England and Shropshire. Here the Severn sheds its Welsh name as it meanders into the former border stronghold of Shrewsbury. Beyond, the Severn enters the Ironbridge Gorge, the cradle of the Industrial Revolution. It meets Bridgnorth, known for its association with the Severn Valley Railway, the Georgian town of Bewdley, historic Worcester, and picturesque Tewkesbury, where it is joined by the River Avon, before flowing through the Vale of Gloucester. The Severn meets the River Wye at Chepstow and finally ends its 220-mile journey at Avonmouth. Illustrated with stunning photography, River Severn: From Source to Sea conveys the topographical and historical importance of the river. Passing through pastoral scenes, Roman cities and medieval fortresses and driving modern industry, the Severn acts as a metaphor for the changing nature of Britain through the ages.

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Opnieuw waren de Romeinen met een grootscheepse oorlogscampagne naar het noorden van Nederland en Duitsland begonnen.For this poet, "Zero Plus Anything Is A World." Hirshfield's riddling recipes for that world ("add salt to hunger," "add time to trees") offer a profoundly altered understanding of our lives' losses and additions, and of the small and larger beauties we so often miss.Poetry and art to heal ourselves and the Earth In "Nature Speaks," Deborah Kennedy s captivating poetry and illustrations bring to life the profound bond between ourselves and the larger natural world.Hes too polite! He cant possibly have murdered fortynine women.& They cant be serious!The park's most popular hiking trails are covered in detail, and outfitters for backpacking, mule rides and whitewater rafting are listed.In a month or so, when they reach the size of bumblebees they'll fly to Costa Rica without a map.Hazel had been a dental secretary.He overcame monumental challenges in creating and publishing "Dubliners," "Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man," "Ulysses," and "Finnegan's Wake." Along the way, he encountered a colorful cast of characters, from the Irish nationalists Charles Parnell and Michael Collins to literary greats Yeats, Proust, Hemingway, and Beckett, and the likes of Carl Jung and Vladimir Lenin., Winner of Spain's National Comic Prize and published to acclaim in Ireland, here is an extraordinary graphic biography of James Joyce that offers a fresh take on his tumultuous life.Of note are the many nudes that he drew at the Acadmie Matisse in Paris.We stared at each other, startled by our existence.The Ibera presents a stark contrast to the modern world, a place where the trajectory of land health is moving toward integrity and wildness., A wonderland of sky, water, grass, and birdsong, the Iberá marshlands of Corrientes Province are the preeminent wildlife habitat in Argentina and an important natural treasure.